Secretary Kerry (June 19): “When we help countries to prosecute traffickers, we are strengthening the rule of law. When we bring victims out of exploitation, we are helping to create more stable and productive communities. When we stop this crime from happening in the first place, we are preventing the abuse of those who are victimized as well as the ripple effect that caused damage throughout communities into our broader environment and which corrupt our global supply chains. We all have an interest in stopping this crime. That’s why President Obama is so focused on this issue. And that’s why, as Secretary of State, I will continue to make the fight against modern-day slavery a priority for this Department and for the country.” Full Text» Ambassador CdeBaca’s Briefing»
The Report
The 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report report is available in PDF and HTML formats. Due to its large size, the PDF has been separated into sections for easier download. To view the PDF file, you will need to download, at no cost, the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
PDF Format
–Introductory Material (PDF) [11537 Kb]
–Country Narratives: A-C (PDF) [6408 Kb]
–Country Narratives: D-I (PDF) [4496 Kb]
–Country Narratives: J-M (PDF) [5128 Kb]
–Country Narratives: N-S (PDF) [6309 Kb]
–Country Narratives: T-Z and Special Case (PDF) [4059 Kb]
–Relevant International Conventions/Closing Material (PDF) [2445 Kb]
HTML Format
–Letter from Secretary Kerry
–Letter from Ambassador Luis CdeBaca
–Victims’ Stories
–Victim Identification: The First Step in Stopping Modern Slavery
–Definitions and Methodology
–Topics of Special Interest
–Global Law Enforcement Data
–2013 TIP Report Heroes
–Tier Placements
–Country Narratives: Countries A Through F
–Country Narratives: Countries G Through M
–Country Narratives: Countries N Through Z
–Special Case
–Relevant International Conventions
–Trafficking Victims Protection Act: Minimum Standards for the Elimination of Trafficking in Persons
–Stopping Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, and Abuse by International Peacekeepers
–International, Regional, and Sub-Regional Organizations Combating Trafficking in Persons
–Glossary of Acronyms
–A Closing Note: Lift Every Voice and Sing
Source: U.S. State Department